Ievgen Zviagin
Ievgen Zviagin is a graduate of Kharkiv National University (Ukraine) and a future PhD student. Though his PhD thesis will be devoted to the field of organic chemistry of nitrogen-containing heterocycles, his range of interests is much broader. He has significant teaching experience, plays piano and enjoys cooking.
Why sinks do not rust
If something made of steel and iron is continuously exposed to water, it will rust. Even if the steel is stainless, it will sooner or later corrode as it happens with old ships. Nevertheless, the problem of sink corrosion in our homes is rare. Do you know why?
How did scotch tape lead to a Nobel Prize?
The two most commonly known forms of carbon that share the same simplest formula “C” are diamond and graphite. But did you know that there are more, including the one that was discovered using a scotch tape by a scientist who made frogs levitate?
Why people watch horror movies?
When an animal is scared, it either fights or flights, but people have found a way of enjoying fear – horror movies. They are one of the most popular genres in modern cinematograph, from the famous “Dracula” and “Psycho” to some brand new movies. What keeps people watching horrors?