CASE STUDY - 8th Grade students at St Timothy's Catholic School use MEL Chemistry to enhance their science lessons

Saint Timothy Catholic School in Mesa is committed to promoting academic excellence in each child it looks after. They encourage self-discipline, self-respect, and respect for others. They understand the importance of engaging students in a comprehensive and relevant curriculum. As a result, the middle school science teacher from St. Timothy Catholic School is using MEL Chemistry subscriptions to enhance and expand their range of learning activities.

In St Timothy’s they have been using the experiments one between two students in their grade 8 class. They have found that when students are working together without much teacher interference, it has promoted independent thought and cooperation between the students, and increased knowledge retention.

Student watches pink foam spill out of reaction vessel The students were amazed at the reactions they were able to achieve.

As St Timothy’s do not have access to a designated science lab, the MEL Chemistry experiments and starting lab kit have allowed them to access hands on experiments in a way that would have been impossible otherwise.

Students work together to complete MEL Chemistry The hands on nature of the experiments help to increase concentration.

The middle school science teacher at St Timothy’s said “I am very happy with the MEL Science experiments.The students enjoy the hands-on activities and are learning about chemistry in a fun and entertaining way.”

student is fascinated by reaction Reactions that are normally only done in labs are able to be done in a classroom setting.

We are delighted that the students at Saint Timothys have had such a great time with our MEL Chemistry sets. More information and prices for MEL Chemistry and other MEL Science products can be found on our website -, or for bulk school orders please contact our school sales team -

Image of MEL starter kit, tin experiment set and Laptop showing digital resources